Know Your Workplace Rights - Migrant Workers Centre Skip navigation

Your Rights & Mental Health Awareness in the Workplaces

Migrants in Victoria are sometimes treated as an underclass, including in the workplace. They face language and cultural barriers, insecure employment arrangements, and sometimes precarious visa arrangements. These things make them vulnerable to bad employers.

Similarly, workplace mental health and wellbeing is integral part of overall wellness. The risks of developing mental illness for migrants are higher than others.

In every workplace, employers have a legal obligation to ensure the health and safety of workers, including mental health. However, knowledge of workplace rights including psychosocial hazards helps migrants to fight against workplace exploitation, prevent mental health injuries and seek help when needed.

We are organizing a ‘Know Your Rights and Mental Health Awareness in the Workplaces’ information session. This session will help participants to understand their basic workplace rights, common indicators of workplaces that are unsafe for mental health and how to get help.

For more information, please contact: Hari 0473407674. 

July 16, 2022
11am - 12:30pm
Galada Community Centre, 10A Forum Way, Epping 3076
10A Forum Way
Epping, VIC 3076
Google map and directions
Hari Shrestha · · +61473407674
Minoo Bhardwaj Prabhat Sangwan Jatinder Kaur Parul Chaudhary Manotharshi Rohan Kranthi Chakilam Kalyani Baskaran Kirti Singh Inderjeet Kaur Hari Shrestha
Who's RSVPing
Minoo Bhardwaj
Prabhat Sangwan
Jatinder Kaur
Parul Chaudhary
Manotharshi Rohan
Kranthi Chakilam
Kalyani Baskaran
Kirti Singh
Inderjeet Kaur
Hari Shrestha

Will you come?

Showing 10 reactions

  • Minoo Bhardwaj
    rsvped 2022-07-14 13:00:59 +1000
  • Prabhat Sangwan
    rsvped 2022-07-12 21:07:28 +1000
  • Jatinder Kaur
    rsvped 2022-07-12 19:53:08 +1000
  • Parul Chaudhary
    rsvped 2022-07-12 14:36:32 +1000
  • Manotharshi Rohan
    rsvped 2022-07-12 14:13:31 +1000
  • Kranthi Chakilam
    rsvped 2022-07-12 09:25:04 +1000
  • Kalyani Baskaran
    rsvped 2022-07-11 17:11:01 +1000
  • Kirti Singh
    rsvped 2022-07-07 11:30:09 +1000
  • Inderjeet Kaur
    rsvped 2022-07-06 17:35:05 +1000
  • Hari Shrestha
    rsvped 2022-06-20 12:38:48 +1000