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Unlocking Talent

A new MWC research report, in collaboration with Unions NSW, was created to investigate work opportunities for migrant workers. The research explored a range of topics that migrant workers experience during their employment journey in Australia. The topics include equal access to employment opportunities, racial equality, inclusiveness and skills recognition.

A new MWC research report collaborated with Unions NSW to investigate work opportunities for migrant workers. The research explored the employment experiences of migrant workers, including equal access to employment opportunities, racial equality, inclusiveness and skills recognition.

The report’s findings, based on a survey of over 1200 migrant workers shows: 

  • Migrant workers experience significant barriers when trying to access employment opportunities; 39% of respondents were denied job opportunities because of their visa type
  • Migrant workers experience significant racial discrimination in the job market; 21% of survey respondents had been paid or offered a lower salary because of their nationality
  • The current legal framework has been ineffective at ensuring equal employment opportunities and fair working conditions and has exacerbated migrant worker exploitation; 37% had been paid or offered a lower salary because of their visa type
  • Migrant workers face significant obstacles to practising their occupation in Australia; 56% of respondents are required to undertake additional studies to practise their occupation in Australia

The government must take steps to

  1. Provide bridging programs, training initiatives, and re-qualification opportunities that can assist skilled migrants in aligning their qualifications with local standards and requirements;
  2. Establish clear and efficient processes for acknowledging the skills of migrant workers;
  3. Implement a legal framework that prevents discrimination based on migration status in the job market

Illustration of a group of people from diverse communities, some waving but all are smiling on a white background, the Date June 2023 is displayed on the top left and below the illustrations are the title and headline of the report, below this is the Migrant Workers Centre and UnionsNSW logos displayed

Click here to read the full report

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